カザフスタンにも干支がある #2019/1/3



知っておくとちょっと滞在が楽しくなるアルマトイ豆知識 8連発の記事にも書いたように、カザフスタンの干支は、子丑ヒョウ卯カタツムリ未午未申酉犬イノシシ。

虎がヒョウになっているのは地域柄でしょうか。アルマトイのシンボルもユキヒョウですし。このへんは詳しく調べてみて、 十二支があしらわれたゾディアック・ファウンテンと絡めて今年1本目の記事にしようかと思っています。(書きました!意識しないと気づかない、カザフの十二支をあしらった噴水池


187. Fountain “Eastern horoscope”

Fountain “Eastern horoscope”It is one of the most beautiful fountains of the city. Almaty citizens named it “Signs of Zodiac” or “Eastern Horoscope” (the design was made by architect V.Z. Kacev, sculpture V.S.Tverdohlebov and A.B. Tatarinov). It is located in the eastern part of the squire of the Academy of Science on Shevchenko Street. The fountain is a place for sightseeing in Almaty.Fountain is made in the form of traditional Kazakh calendar. The calendar was created basing of the time that Jupiter goes around the Sun. Each circle of Jupiter equals to 12 years. Each 12 year circle cause physical and psychological changes in a person.The idea of this fountain belongs to V.Tverdohlebov. He said that when he saw Almaty for the first time he was impressed by the number of trees and vegetation in it, but he couldn’t find any fountains. He proposed to build a fountain in the form of Eastern horoscope. He used animal style of ancient sakas, skifs, and others nations who lived at the territory of Kazakhstan. The construction works started in 1980. In the center of composition is Sun with 12 animal figures around. They illustrate the symbols of national calendar.

Audio guide Almatyさんの投稿 2017年2月19日日曜日



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