オプショナルツアー大好きな理由とWalking Almatyの思い出 #2019/1/4


過去の日記(Let it be ALMATYをはじめた理由 #2018/12/25)に書いたように、フィギュアスケートのデニス・テン選手が大好きで、アルマトイに聖地的な場所があればとあれこれ検索した結果、偶然みつけたデニス・キーン君のWalking Almaty。



合流したデニス君はサンフランシスコ出身の米国人。聞き取りやすい英語と「ヨソ者」ならではの洞察力と好奇心、深い知識。語学も堪能です。彼のおかげでただの街歩きがこんなに楽しくなることを知れたといっても過言ではありません。 知っておくとちょっと滞在が楽しくなるアルマトイ豆知識 8連発にもデニス君から仕入れたネタがいくつか。


そして次の訪問時(2018年6月)、残りの3コースも制覇するぞ!と意気込んでWalking Almatyの予約サイトを開けたら、運悪く私の滞在中は軒並み予約×。悔しくて類似ツアーを探しまくった結果、INDY GUIDEにたどり着いたという経緯もあります。(現地オプショナルツアー探しにはINDY GUIDEが強い味方


めちゃくちゃ楽しそうでしょ? 現在、Walking Almatyの予約はストップしていますが、マップやインスタは稼働中なので、旅の予習の参考にされてみてください。

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Somebody call Guinness! After 6 days and 130.3 km I may have become the first idiot to ever walk all the way around the city of Almaty. I called this project “Circling the City“, but a friend Aida suggested a better name, Ainalayin, which in Qazaq literally means “let me circle around you.” The word is used as a term of endearment, and it suggests that by circling something, you’re embracing it with love. I love Almaty now more than ever. Every day on my walks I was amazed by the city’s beautiful mountains, which you can appreciate best from the periphery. But it’s also along the periphery that you can see the ecological destruction of Almaty’s unchecked expansion. Orchards destroyed. Hillsides covered in garbage. Vast clouds of smog choking the lower regions of the city. You also realize that far from the golden quarter, where the streets are annually repaved, there are Almatians who have been forgotten. Whole neighborhoods are built on mud. There are vast districts without a single park. Of the 130 km I walked maybe five of them had sidewalks for pedestrians. I worry that Almaty is not a “city for people,” but a city built for a select few. Maybe next time somebody from the Akimat can join me for a walk around Almaty, and I can show them how much I love this my place, but oh ainalayin, how much I worry. Thanks to Ben Mauk and the grenzgang walkers of Berlin for the initial inspiration. Thanks to my followers for the encouragement, and thanks to my wife for helping me up the stairs to our apartment every evening. Check out my photos on Facebook too, and stay tuned for more thoughts.

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  1. ピンバック: 駅、大通り、オペラ劇場、すべてに名前がつけられたカザフ・ナショナリズムの父アバイ – Let it be ALMATY


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